A Cigar, An Eclipse, and A Little Perspective

Today was unexpected. There I was, ready to tackle another day full of casework and client meetings, when my schedule suddenly cleared up. A client canceled at the last minute, and just like that, I found myself with a rare free moment. My neighbor, sensing an opportunity for a shared experience, handed me a pair of eclipse glasses, and, on a whim, I decided to watch the total eclipse from our upper deck. I’m not usually one for celestial events, but with a good cigar in hand, I thought, “Why not?”

I expected to be mildly entertained as the moon began covering the sun. Instead, I found myself utterly captivated. It was more than just the visual spectacle of daylight fading into an unexpected night; it was the sudden, striking realization of how small my concerns, achievements, and, indeed, my entire world are in the grand cosmos.

I spend so much time zooming in on business growth and strategy details, focusing on the next big thing for my clients and myself. But there, under the moon’s shadow, I was reminded that there’s a much bigger picture. Our planet, struggles, and victories are all just tiny parts of an unimaginably vast universe.

This experience, as brief as it was, gave me pause. It wasn’t about forsaking my daily responsibilities or diminishing the importance of my work. Instead, it was a moment of humility, a reminder that there’s a whole world beyond my to-do lists and meetings.

So, why am I sharing this with you? Not to preach but to offer a slice of my day that brought me an unexpected perspective. It’s easy to get caught up in the minutiae, but sometimes, looking up and out can remind us of our place in the bigger scheme of things. I’m striving to remember this balance—not just today but in my approach to life and work.

Have you ever had a moment like this? A simple, unexpected event that gave you a bit of perspective? I’d like to hear about it. Drop a comment below. Let’s share our experiences and remind each other of the vast, beautiful backdrop against which our daily lives unfold.